The most common questions
- Delivery time?
- Product catalogue?
- Spare parts?
- Product manuals?
- What is IR?
Your short cut to the answers and resources you need to boost everyday efficiency and future performance.
What is IR?
What is infrared short-wave heat?
All IRT dryers use short-wave technology. This, together with the unique IRT FreeForm reflectors, provides the best heat transfer possible. Short-wave IR has several other advantages. It is easy to control, provides full heat immediately and penetrates deep into the paint. The paint cures from the inside and out without retaining solvents and moisture that gives rise to problems with quality. Heat losses to the air are minimal and all energy is transferred to the surface to be dried.
What is UV?
What is ultraviolet light spectrum?
Ultraviolet is an electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light but longer than X-rays. Our UV-lamp design is ozone-free with protective glass that filters out UVB rays. With every delivered unit there is a pair of safety glasses – use them for safety.
How to request spare parts?
Need spare parts?
As a Hedson partner you have access to our spare part lists. Sign up, become a partner and get access to much more information.
How to get a product manual?
Do yo need the product manual for a unit?
As a Hedson partner you have access to our spare part lists. Sign up, become a partner and get access to much more information.
Every product webpage has the technical specification for each units. This is also available for download. Press the link below for an example.
How to get a product catalogue?
Do you want our product catalogue?
You can attain our Hedson catalogue digitally, in four different languages as of now, by pressing the link below.
Also make sure to also subscribe to our newsletter and stay tuned for the latest information!
Where to buy?
Want to get in touch with our experts?
On top of the menu/page, you can find “Where to buy”. This is where you find our experts in curing, cleaning, lifting, dust extraction, and Industrial Solutions.
Choose a country and get the information to your local contact person for information and purchase.
Do you have a warranty form to fill in?
Got a warranty form?
If you have a warranty form that you need help filling in, please contact your local inside sales person to help you with the right information.
Delivery times?
When will my unit arrive?
Your local inside sales person will be able to help you with the delivery time. on your purchased unit. Do not hesitate to contact us!
Silicone & oil free lift?
What about the risk of damages to the paint jobs?
As all Herkules by Hedson lifts are silicone & oil free (PWIS-free, stands for paint-wetting impairment substances) – the risk of spreading silicone in the shop is eliminated and thereby making sure jobs do not have to be redone.
How much water does a wheel washer consume?
Does it consume a lot of water?
The water consumption per washed wheel is very low and no chemicals that can be harmful for the rims, the user or the environment are being used, all wheel washers work with a closed water system.
Still got questions?
Please let us know!
Send us a message and let us know what your concerns are.